Saturday, January 31, 2015

Blackjack (Flash fiction - 220 words)

2015 - while at UCF 🎓😄


At precisely four o'clock in the morning last Sunday, I came into a lot of money.

Aunt Stella had been in town visiting the family for a week and she had worn out her welcome about five minutes after walking in the front door. For the life of me, I don't know why my parents insist that she stay here when she comes in town for her yearly vacation.

"There are plenty of hotels in Vegas," I tell my mother, but she rolls her eyes and purses her lips.

"We are family, Sarah." And that was the end of the discussion.

It wasn't so bad in the afternoon and evenings because Aunt Stella was at the casinos, gambling her savings away. But in the wee hours of the morning when she returned, sometimes not until six A. M., she was plastered, red lipstick smeared all over her face. She would alternate between whining and sobbing as she clattered around in the kitchen and I'd lie awake in bed upstairs, cursing her and debating whether to yell downstairs for her to shut up.

So it was no surprise last Sunday when I rolled over in bed and heard her high-pitched squeals and the noise coming from the kitchen. I'd had enough. I yanked the comforter off and trudged down the stairs. I was going to finally tell her exactly what I thought and if she didn't like it, too bad.

As soon as she saw me walk into the kitchen, she ran over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I tried to push her away, but even in her drunken stupor, she was strong. "It finally happened! I hit the big one!"

"Yeah, yeah, ok, Aunt Stella. How much did you win?"

She finally released me. "A hundred thousand dollars at blackjack! And I want to give half to my favorite nephew!"

Well, that changes everything.

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